Monday, January 21, 2013

Starting a blog

 If you are just beginning to blogging start small.  You can start by creating a link to something you have read about or a resource you are using in the classroom. Use some simple text to explain and make it personal by reflecting or talking about a personal experience. Do you blog in your classroom?

Once your students are comfortable let students try responding on a class blog by answering a daily question.  Blogging Support also provides some resources for teachers about how students can utilize blogs in the classrooms.  These tips are helpful for someone who is new to blogging and definitely makes me feel like it is doable in the classroom. Do your students blog?


  1. I think it would be fun to set up a Kidblog for students. I would like to try it and see how it goes. I agree with Richardson about starting small. There is so much to learn that all this information is overwhelming. Do you think your students would like to blog?

  2. Hi Lea! I agree, I would definitely start small. I think after this class I will continue to use a blog as a way to inform parents about whats going on in the classroom as well great educational resources. ANd next year, I would like to try having my students have their own blog. Looking at the Common Core Standards for technology and writing blogging would be a perfect tool to meet those standards.
